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Frequently asked questions about Trinidad Eye Hospital
What are your opening hours?
We are opened Mondays to Saturdays, from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Where is Trinidad Eye Hospital located?
We have two branches where we have clinics, and one location where we do surgeries. One of our clinics is located located in MASKA Compound, South Trunk Road, La Romaine, San Fernando, and the other is located on the Corner of Pasea Main Road, and Churchill Roosevelt Highway, Tunapuna. We do surgeries at Good Health Medical Centre, on Fitzblackman Drive, Port-of-Spain.
What kind of Eye Exams are there?
There are two types of eye tests available:
1. Test for Glasses. This costs $150.00
2. A Dilated Eye Examination/Consultation with an Eye Doctor which costs $500.
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